Friday, December 3, 2010

at last.....!

At last, the animation I made last year will be published on the coming Sunday at 7:30pm
So far, it helped me to won the 16th TBS DigiCon6大賞 effort prize (HK region)
Hope more surprise to come

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

smiling frog

A frog i draw for my sister's scientific introduction leaflet....
a smiling frog

recently i am addicted to the songs by the 'Symphony of science menu'
I really love the music, and I almost cried when i heard the lyrics.
they are so true, i really appreciate the way the scientists see our earth, appreciating life and nature.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a workshop in UK

It was a lovely week in the workshop,
I met Caroline leaf and Robert Bradbrook!
有一句說話看似很廢, 不過我很認同:
Life maybe has no meaning
but story should always has meaning

caroline 有一句話很值得自己反省:
"getting an idea is easy, it is building up and comprehence a complete story which is hard to do..." (somthing like that)
總之在這裡我學會了放棄某些idea, 令故事更加完整才是最重要

there are many different thing in Hong Kong animation and overseas animation,
the western story is quite straightforward, it is always simple and positive
while Hong kong animation has alot of hidden meaning, many metaphors, many ironic criticism.
It is a cultural thing, i guess.
in terms of talent, Hong kong people are actually at the same level with the westerner,
it is all about attitude: it is the positive attitude in the Westerners makes everything possible.
so why can't we do that?

Friday, July 2, 2010


很久沒有綀習, 畫了一個早上才逐漸找回感覺
還是做回full time 吧, gfreelance 太累了

我發覺我喜歡上色多於畫畫, 塗陰影多於上色

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Imagining my grandmother

Our studio Floating Projects collective finally started to run officially
the grand opening was successful, 4 artists present their new works based on ethnography research on various topics. I focus on my grandmother, who died in 2009 christmas Day.
here is link of the exhibition, come and visit us when u have time

Friday, May 7, 2010

a plant gardern sketch

These few days are crazy! I don't have much time to draw....damnit!
here is a postcard i drew in xixianbana which I finally received yesterday.

Monday, April 26, 2010

lijian trip

went to Lijiang for a week,
that is a awesome place, trust me,
haven't had any relax time for almost 3 years, i have an enjoyable time over there
though I was sick at the first 2 days XP
visit there in April or March, that is the best time to visit the ancient city.

and finally I have some time to make my own tilt-shift photo, Yeh!

my sister as a small toy

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

water color sketching

practices...more to come

Saturday, March 13, 2010

a new sketch

i mixed the media of pencil and painterX,
can somebody tell me what's wrong with the eyes?
i found it a bit odd but cannot see the problem....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a time to be comcentrate

Recently I have veen staying at home to recover from a serious lung infection of pneumonia,
and my dear sister has left to xi xuan ban la 西雙版納for research,
so I have a pretty long time free to practice some calligraphy,
I found that the practices are good to train my concentration, the use of line, and the whole construction.
it is almost like meditation when I write the words.

the font type is from 祝允明 楷書 千字文

Thursday, February 18, 2010

studio talks

Last night was fun, everybody threw out their ideas
and we discuss the topic freely and critically,
I missed this in-depth, intellectual discussion for so long

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2004-2008 DEMO REEL

A quick look back,
haha, my techniques are so immature at that time
but still, it records my progression

somthing about drawings

One thing I need to confess,
I am still holding myself back,
對於繒畫, 我還是很放不開
我還是期待自己筆下可以畫出好看, 令人歎服的東西
於是我畫的東西, 都沒有味道....

Saturday, January 30, 2010

trailer of the animation

I know some friends has been asking me to show them my new animation for a long time.
well, I cannot show you the whole thing until it is broadcasted on TV
but here it is , a 1 min trailer
give me some comments please ^__^

pick_up_&_put_down trailer from lifu on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the wedding animation

as youtube detected the audio track
I uploaded this video on vimeo,
vimeo is much better!!

a wedding animation from lifu on Vimeo.

I am happy the couple love this video
this is the very first time,
I can feel the appreciation of my clients
no words can describe this satisfatory.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

some more shots from the animation

i am so happy , the animation is almost finished!!!
for 10 months, I born a "baby"!!!
though I learn that I am still so lack of experience,
I am so happy to learn many things from different people
i need to admit that this is not 100% of what I want to achieve,
but it gives me a sense of complete, I can't wait to watch the complete version of it!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

my first wedding animation

it is so weird a girl like me who have never fallen in love , never have a date
but started to make wedding aniamtion for others,
the 3 minutes long can be done in such a short time, I can't help saying that I am a flash-hand animator, haha (oops, be humble...)

I wish the best for the new couple!!

character design and screen shot